The Twenty Pearls Club (TPC)

The Twenty Pearls Club affectionately referred to as TPC, is Phi Beta Omega’s high school girls’ mentoring program. TPC’s mission is to cultivate academic achievement, promote community activism, and encourage personal growth amongst young ladies.  The organization provides exposure to strong African-American female leaders in the community through mentoring relationships between the members of Phi Beta Omega Chapter and participating young ladies in grades 9 – 12.

Twenty Pearls Club (TPC) affords the opportunity for African American girls living in the suburbs of Philadelphia to interact and meet other like-minded students in communities in which minorities are often few.

The TPC season goes from October to June.  Young ladies interested in participating in this program can send an email to Ms. Monica Williams at: for the new season.

Twenty Pearls Scholarships

The Twenty Pearls Club 2016 graduating seniors received scholarships for the successful completion of three to four years of participation in the program.